You may or may not remember the little competition I ran a few weeks ago. You may of course remember if you were a prize winner and are running excitedly to the door every time the postman calls hoping for a package full of delicious flapjacks. Never fear you won't have to wait much longer as I finally got my butt into my kitchen and baked squillions about 50 flapjacks. I then packaged them up quickly before the children could demolish them and yes they got the odd slightly less perfect leftovers! So Catwoman this is your final chance to claim your prize, you wrote 'I'm so excited to be getting baked goods from Ireland!!! How exciting!' so email me on . If Catwoman declines her prize (and no I won't be insulted as I could be a mad stalker after your sweetie pie) I will send it instead to commenter who begs the best. Mollie will be judging this little competition.
P.S. Many thanks to Emma who taught me how to strike out!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Calling Catwoman
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4:38 p.m.
Labels: competition
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Hurray! I can't wait. Hope you didn't work too hard.
That looks yummy!
Begging for gorgeous 18 months old would love to try some, I daren't make any at the moment as I'd eat it all.....I promise piccies if I get it!
Will that do?
Yippee, i wont go hungry after all!! BTW, how do you strike out?
I will totally take Catwoman's flapjacks off your hands!
the sacrifices I make.
ps- your package is sitting in the back of my car. I tried to send it via UPS- but I got too confused and gave up. so now we just have to wait until I get to the post office.
and I can't freakin' wait for me some flapjack goodness!!!!
Haha..that catowman..she is some funny.
I won't beg for flapjacks...I'll just take you up on the email offer!
I want me some flapjacks to but I'm never a good begger!
My DH has discovered flapjacks and is now DEMANDING that I learn how to make them and then produce them on a regular basis. Not really begging. . .more of an FYI/look what you started kind of comment!
Flapjacks look good Beccy.Hope cat woman gets those bcos you worked too hard to make all those:))
Hellojed, piece of cake (typed whilst puffing out my shoulders)!
h, we'll have to wait and see.
John, you, hungry? With the pub down the road, never!
Looking forward to it dear Frannie. I hope the flapjacks travel OK or you'll be disappointed.
Delighted to hear that Emma.
Terri that sounded like some subtle begging to me!
Ah Sabrina I'm looking for flapjack world domination!
Don't tell the others Asha but it was easy and I blogged whilst they were cooking and cooling!
Oh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeee, Peppermint.....
I'll do anything for some flapjacks.
Well all of you back off!!!!!
It's not my fault I have the attention span of a gnat!
How one forgets about baked goods, I'm not sure, but please please please still send me my flapjacks!
I'm pretty sure you're not a stalker's of Sweetie Pie, what with you being all the way in Ireland and all! :)
I've emailed you my address!
She don't deserve them, send me the damn flapjacks! (Hmm that should do it).
Looks yummy!
So how do you strike out? I need to search for the lesson.
That really looks yummy and I've never tasted a flapjack in my whole young life............
we've made them 3 times.
We decided the OATMEAl was lowering our cholesterol
Dear beccy. Firstly, how DO you strikethrough? Secondly, beccy, now, did I ever tell you that you're my most absolute favouritest blogger in the whole wide world? And a fantastic cook. When you cook, I can smell it all the way on the other side of the continent. And you don't have an Irish accent at all, you still sound 100% Bristolonian...
Yes matt, I've seen how low you'll go!
Just in time catwoman!
You sound very sure of yourself Willowtree.
Kila, if you email me I'll explain how to strike out!
Welcome La Bella Mammina, you're pulling on the heart strings!
Pamela, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I mean what's a bit of sugar and syrup between friends?
LMM I take you've never been to Bristol? I hope I don't sound Bristolian, a real Bristolian accent is not that attractive, think country bumpkin, drinking cider saying: 'I can't read, I can't write but I can drive a tractor' and you may get the picture. I like to think I have a non descript English accent!
Email me for strikeout lesson!
Sorry Beccy,finally I know what are "Flapjacks".They are very delicious.In Germany flapjacks are Pfannkuchen,Eierkuchen or Plinsen!
What a load of creeps! Can't wait for mine to arrive!
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