Thank you for all the hilarious entries into my recent competition, you all had me laughing and spitting my tea out. Again I passed the judging over to Dillon and as no one correctly guessed what happened to my key, I set Dillon the task of choosing the funniest. As he sat reading the comments his laughter got louder and louder. He complained that the judging was too hard so I suggested he compile a short list and that he did. Unfortunately he couldn't shorten his shortlist so I decided all those who made it onto the shortlist are worthy of a package of flapjacks.
And the winners are (cue drum roll):
Frannie, Wendy (The artist formerly known as purpleworms), John, Catwoman, Sam and Hellojed.
Please email me your postal address and I'll get them shipped to you as soon as I bake them. I hope they will get through customs for those of you living in the US and Sam yours will come in the beautiful green packaging that you seem obsessed with!
Back to the key, I was collecting Dillon from a friends house and hopped out of the car, without locking it, to ring on the door bell. We got back into the car and when I went to put the key into the ignition half of it was missing. I assumed it was in the ignition but the car wouldn't start. Luckily we were seconds away from a Dart station so were able to get the train home. As I couldn't lock the car Joules drove his motorbike out at 10:30pm (when he returned from college) to lock the car (with the spare key) and decided to try and see did it work. Fortunately for us it did and he found the missing key on the floor. So all I have to do now is get a replacement key which is much less hassle than if it had broken in the ignition. Pretty boring really compared to all your stories so thanks for entertaining me.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
And the winner is...
Posted by
1:46 p.m.
Labels: competition
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Beccy you're such a star! So generous - I'll send you my address but only if you're sure that it's not too much hassle. That was pretty lucky escape with the key!
Have you tried The Yeast Company near Doyles? RTE had a recipe calling for fresh yeast and they recommended this place - I dunno if they are still open.
Hey Beccy - Did you ever think that maybe your judge is a little biassed? I bet Dillon and I would get along like peas in a pod - (not that I am complaining, mind you). You still haven't explained about why cake yeast is so hard to get out your way (is that all it is, or is there an illegality aspect?)
WOOOO!! another win!! I'd jump for joy, if i could, but i can't, so i wont. Do you need my address AGAIN !??
I'm my goodness!!! I am sooo excited! I can't believe I won! Finally, my deranged ramblings paid off. I knew they would one day- that's why I refused to let anyone lock me away in the looney bin.
Hellojed, no hassle, I just hope they don't get squashed in the post, I'm still working on the best way to transport them!
Ours, never heard of The Yeast Company or Doyles, I guess I'll have to google them.
Wendy, I guess you have a similar sense of humour to a 14 year old boy! He didn't look at the names just read the comments and told me whether to shortlist them or not!
Wait until you taste them John!!!
Well done Frannie, hope they make it out to you!
beccy jealous I'm not a winner but as I didn't enter I can hardly complain can I. Of course if sam doesn't fancy the green wrapping I'll have hers!!
I know i'm a prat, but what broke the original key?
Congratulations to all winners!
Hi, Beccy,
I've actually heard that before - maybe that is why Reggie and I get on so well (Min's son). Do you think the buns can make it to the States, or do you think they shold be donated to a local good cause? They sure do look really good!
well I'm just going to make my own.
Actually the hubby is... but I still get to eat them.
Mum, I've just realised no green paper left!!!
John, did you read the whole of todays post? I rest my case!
Lol, Wendy. I think they should get through, I've sent homemade goodies to Sam a few times and she does get them. Flapjacks last a long time as well so they should still be edible by the time they reach you.
Love the new picture Pamela, lucky you having a hubby who cooks, mind you mine isn't allowed near the kitchen unless it's to wash up or make me a cup of tea!
Those keys cost a fortune though unfortunately!! Bad luck!!
Sally, luckily for us it's a company car so we won't get the bill.
I guess i'm not a bright one today, because I can't seem to see your email address on your blog to send you my address.
I'm so excited to be getting baked goods from Ireland!!! How exciting!
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