Mum is hosting today's
Fun Monday and has chosen the theme of vintage clothing we have hidden in our wardrobe. It is thanks to Mum that I have vintage clothing hidden in my wardrobe so this post will reflect her taste.
I love this suede coat that Mum wore during the 70's and it really suits me but I have only worn it out once. Funnily enough I don't have a problem wearing the suede but the fur around the collar I have issues with and wish it was fake.
This black, velvet evening skirt is beautiful and I have worn it to a couple of dinner dances and to a titanic themed party. I almost feel like a character from a Jane Austen novel in it.
enidd loves the suede coat too, and knows exactly what you mean about the fur. she'd feel funny about wearing it too.
I am guilty of not thinking too much back then you don't have to admit to it being real (in fact is it!! I don't remember could well be fake). Sigh- I loved that black velvet skirt. As for the last not sure really, I expect it was cheap and cheerful and I needed a dress for a dance (oh I think it might have been washable or maybe dad chose it!!) do you know I thought you were going to use the 'zebra' dress - wrong again.
Your suede coat is cool.It´s really interesting to read in all other "Fun monday"-blog the stories about the vintage clothes...
Thank you,Beccy for your german words.It was funny- Spiegelei!!I wish my english is better.Maybe I must come visit you than I learn it better...
Bay City Rollers does ballroom. The black velvet skirt is beautiful. I had a similar coat that was fake suede with a real raccoon fur collar. Unfortunately, the first time that I was drunk, I vomited on the fur. Now, I am really sorry for the poor raccoon.
Am loving the Bay City Rollers dress, you should take another photo of you wearing it and place it permanently on your sidebar...
Mother's are handy to have around, eh?
MJD's comment is too funny. Now, I've forgotten what you posted from laughing about her vomiting on the fur...oh, now I remember the pics. I, too, had a coat very similar...I have a skirt just like that...Bay City Roller Does Ballroom?
I love the coat. You should wear it more often!
Enidd Mum told me once that 'of course it was real fur' so I can't even pretend it's fake!
Mum, you always told me it was real along with that other real fur coat you wore in the 70's. I could get blogger to download the picture I have of me in the black and white dress!
Steffi don't put your English down, it's fab!
Lol mjd, poor, poor raccoon.
Hellojed, I'm waiting for an appropiate fancy dress party to wear it to!
They're the best Anvilcloud.
Swampy, the Bay City Rollers were a band famous for their tartan and I don't remember Mum being a fan but she did go ballroom dancing.
Amy, I would if I could get rid of the fur!
rest assured... that fur died before your time... don't feel guilty.
The plaid dress is um.... umm pretty. =)
I was mum's too and now your's!!Very pretty cloths you have there.I don't save any clothes!!;(
Beccy, Can you not remove the collar if it bothers you? Maybe splatter some red paint on it, and you could make a political statement when you wore it ;). It IS a wonderful coat, though.
That black velvet skirt is a CLASSIC! It will never go out of style. That was as GOOD of a choice as the last dress was a BAD one (ha! too funny with the BCR reference).
Love the skirt. I suspect that coat would go for BIG bucks in a vintage clothing store. Wear it and be proud.
i have a black velvet skirt too. they are wonderful aren't they?
(and i totally get the "fur" issue.)
great skirt. and i am ROFL @ the bay city rollers does ballroom...
My mother had a very similar coat only the collar was fox. And I actually wore it, too, until it literally fell apart.
The velvet skirt is lovely, but the Bay City Rollers/Ballroom dress is sooooo funky!!
The coat is nice but with the fur you could never get away with wearing it around here...we have some crazy people in our little state. The velvet skirt is nice. And I don't really know what to say about the last dress...its
You and your mum are the only ones I have read so far for todays fun monday and I am afraid mine will be a bit boring..I don't have anything very old myself and my mother is 5 inches shorter then me and never kept anything so nothing very old around here.
Pamela, I can't help feeling bad wearing fur!
Ummm if you say so Vicki.
Asha, I don't save many but these were Mum's saved for a long time so I would always keep them.
Robin, I would have to look closely to see if the collar is removable. I love the skirt.
Karmyn I would be so conscious wearing the coat.
I love the skirt Nikki.
Elena Jane I almost didn't take that picture but then as it wasn't my dress I felt no embarressment.
I don't know what the fur is on my coat Stephanie but it doesn't look like fox. are very polite! Looking forward to reading your post!
I want to see the zebra dress so bad!! Can't you size the photo down or something so that it will download. If it's anything like the BCR one, it must be really cool.
Lovely coat!!!
Could you perhaps make a new collar out of fake fur and change it? Then you could wear the coat with a free conscience!!
Dear beccy. Gimme the fur. I think it will help me fit in here! (OK am kidding. But there's a lot of it here, it's weird...)
love the plaid dress! :)
Min, it's actually really nice, hence I've worn it out a few times. I'll take another photo of it some time.
Sally, great idea but sounds a bit too clever for me!
Miss Moi, maybe I need to come and visit you and wear it out there (I think I'd still feel funny).
Frannie, does this mean you're posted? I'm off to check!
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