Bethany took on the role as hostess of this weeks Fun Monday and, inspired by James Lipton, she challenged all participants to answer the following questions. Be warned, I'm just answering them straight off, if you're looking for wit or wisdom I suggest you go look somewhere else.
- What is your favourite word? Juxtaposition, I remember learning it in school and loved the way it sounded just like it's meaning.
- What is your least favourite word? Hot press, it's an airing cupboard!!!
- What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? Calm, peace, harmony; smucky but true.
- What turns you off? Joules farts, well you haven't smelt them have you?
- What is your favourite curse word? Me...curse...never...(shit).
- What sound or noise do you love? My children playing, laughing, everyone happy, no arguments also the sound of a tennis ball being hit on a grass court (roll on Wimbledon).
- What sound or noise do you hate? My children arguing.
- What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Something crafty, I just love lurking on this site and dreaming...what if...(now where have I heard that before Karmyn)?
- What profession would you not like to attempt? Nurse, mum put me off as a child when she talked about amputations at the dinner table whilst pulling apart a chicken. I really admire the nurses and say 'give them more money'.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? 'Welcome, I hope you enjoyed your long and fortuitous life and painless death' Shallow but true none the less.
'Hot press' is a strange one. Des Bishop says it's because Ireland is so cold, they've had to designate a room just for heat.
Beccy I can't believe you would want to be a nurse. Both you and Sam hated anything remotely medical!! But in some ways we think alike!xx
Hellojed, then why isn't it called hotroom?
Mum I believe the nurse was a response to: What profession would you not like to attempt? I WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE A NURSE, NO WAY!
oops mis read it's senility
Your answer to number 10 is priceless. I admire the nurses too, and yes give them more money!!!
Great answers...I especially love the last one. I agree with the painless death!
I haven't figured out the hot press. I just use it to store linens.
And, yes, let's get this whole nurses stuff worked out!!!
funny, if i had to choose again, i would do nursing instead of respiratory care...i might do this one. tho i didn't sign up...
Oh my ! It is a little bit scary how much our answers were alike. Eeeeeery.
LOL @ #4!!! Oyy!!! What a treat to read your list and laugh after a long weekend.Thank you:))
My son left the water running in the sink and forgot about it which flooded whole bathroom.Spent majority of last two days cleaning that and there are huge water stains on the ceiling downstairs!!Kids!!!!!:p
I died laughing at #5!
Great answers, Beccy!
I don't think that's a shallow answer! If we can't be indulgent in our own deaths, when can we be?
I quite like the word hot press for airing cupboard. just like ai like Sacllions for spring onions. i like regiional differences. There are about 20 or so different words for plimsolls for instance in the English Language...........
p.s. I don't think your blogroll likes me!!
Love it! Hilarious!
Blinkin' typos..............
That should have read:
I also like "scallions" for spring onions .............
and "regional differences".........
Why do I always spot typos AFTER pressing send???!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed your long and fortuitous life and painless death
that fortuitous part better get moving on my end. I'm growing older..... sigh
I was thinking about calm, peace..etc , but even when I am in that situation I turn it into chaos
Enjoyed your choices
I hope never to experience your "turn off"! I remember learning the word "juxtaposition" in school, and I think I felt much like you did :).
Never heard of a hot press...once again, blogging is educational!
Your "straight off" answers were perfect!
Oh, and when I saw Chris's first comment, I thought I had misread you, lol. Glad she's the one who's senile, not moi ;).
You...senile...never mother!
Thanks mjd, the nurses have great public support here.
Amy, painless and swift is all I ask for.
Sabrina, press is what the Irish call a cupboard, I prefer cupboard myself!
Frannie, my mother doesn't swear and we weren't allowed to say anything remotely not nice. Living in Ireland is very different!
Do it anyway Elena Jane.
Is Swampy spooked?
Asha, I don't envy you with a weekend like that.
Thanks Lisa and Noelle, some people wrote lovely answersfor the last question.
Sally I called plimsoles daps until I went to Hull. Now I call them trainers although the Irish runners comes out out my mouth sometimes!
Sorry my blogroll hates you, I shall sign you up again!
Thanks chick over there.
Lol Pamela, I like your chaos.
Stay away from Ireland then Robin because on a bad day he's very bad!
Great answer to the last question!
I loved your answers! And, I think that amputations and chickens would have turned me off also!
Oh gosh, I definitely couldn't have grown up in your house, considering I couldn't watch ER forever, because it was too bloody for me! The idea of hearing about an amputation over chicken makes me weak in my knees!
Dear beccy. I love juxtaposition too. Used to use it all the time when I worked! Nice answers: I feel like I've just taken 10 more steps to getting to know you.
Very funny answers! I was tagged for this one last week and though I haven't done Fun Monday I think I might do this today.
Good answers!I enjoyed to read!
Love your answers. I especially agree that nurses should recieve more money, and I wouldn't want to be one either. I faint at the sight of blood or needles. No need to go on.
LOL. Answer to No.10. What are YOU doing HERE?
Nurses receive loads more money here in the US. Only problem is then that half the country can't affford to get health insurance.
Oh, Beccy, if I didn't already *heart* you, I'd for sure *heart* you now after saying that nurses need more money!!!
WOW...after a visit to SouleMama -I'm embarrassed to admit I even have a sewing machine....her son can probably sew better than me.
and a nurse - NO WAY....I just don't think I could stick needles in people or clean up their poop.
great post Beccy!
Love #10!
Saw your comment on mjd's blog about how "feck!" is a perfectly acceptable substitute for the other "F" word in Ireland, and had to drop in and say hello! "Effing and blinding" is an art form there, as I remember it....Spent three years in dublin, long ago, when the earth was green.
We have some similar answers!
my mom is a nurse. they don't get paid enough. and I could never do it. they are heroes to me.
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