Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Who said revenge was sweet?

Yestersay was the first day back to school for my children and Ben was a bit tired and grumpy as a result. When he was told it was bed time he wasn't happy and tried to ignore me. When I got cross he stomped up to bed and proceeded to mess instead of getting undressed. Eventually I got so cross I told him no story or CD, (he has been listening to Rudyard Kiplings Just So stories each night on a CD given to him by his Grandpa). He started to cry but I refused to give in. When I went to check on him later the door was blocked and when I managed to open it a little I found him asleep on the floor. If this is his idea of revenge I think it is more unpleasant for him than me!


ChrisB said...

Did he sleep there all night?

Beccy said...

No, Joules lifted him back into bed. He didn't wake up.

FH said...

Oh!! So sweet!! Hope he got on time for school!:D

You are a great mom,stuck to your guns Beccy!Most moms give in but I am like you.Rules are rules,right?:))

ChrisB said...

Asha she had a tough role model!!

Beccy said...

Life is definitely easier if you set boundaries and keep them Asha.

I had a fantastic role model Mum!